Category Archives: Introduction

The Beginning

A transportation blog is something I’ve wanted to do for years now. From drawing fantasy BART maps in kindergarten to pouring over ridership data for Measure R projects, I have always loved and followed transportation. On the title-Wilshire/Vermont is the center of Los Angeles from the perspective of hundreds of thousands of transit riders. I often find myself scurrying out of the Red Line station hurring to catch a 720 or 754, two of LACMTA’s busiest bus routes. This intersection also epitomizes the contradictions and fallacies in Los Angeles’ urban form. Wilshire and Vermont are hugged by a Shell gas station, the Wilshire State Bank high rise, a vacant lot and the Wilshire/Vermont Subway station and Transit Oriented Development. There is something magical about that corner.

Here on Wilshire/Vermont, I plan to write three to four full articles each week, following and commenting on news in transportation, with a heavy emphasis on transit and rail projects. Thank you for reading. I will have my first full article up tonight on the recent community meeting regarding the Westside Subway Extension project here in Los Angeles.